Julia Soares

“With a Naked Prosthetics device, it not only changes the way you live, but it also changes your mental and emotional state. It has given me the boost of confidence I needed.”
Mitch Manthey

“My accident has changed my life in ways I never would have thought. It’s just another bump, it’s a big bump, but I know I must get past it and keep going.”
Chase Smith

“It is important to learn new skills after hand trauma,” he explains. “After a loss is the best time to explore something new because there is no benchmark of success to meet. You have to find your new normal in the little things.”
Cara Beckman

“You may feel hopeless in the moment, but it does get better. And you will be surprised at what you could learn. I am a different person now and I grew from the experience.”
Robin Cummins

“It sounds cheesy and it really just takes time. You just have to see that it isn’t the end of the world. It could’ve been worse. Considering everything, it’s a small part of my life. I could’ve lost my hand, my arm. If you could see my truck, I don’t even know how I survived.”
Tim Gobin

“I can see a big improvement in the number of tasks I can now do again with my right hand. I can grasp a water bottle, turn the key in a car and turn up the radio, and am working on throwing a baseball to my grandsons.”